The Online Shop is Open, but Orders will be shipped as of January 6th. Thank you for your understadning. Free Standard Shipping within Switzerland from 50CHF and to Elsewhere from 150CHF *** For Switzerland: A post + Tracking Option suggested to have your shipment always under control, especially during busy times *** Thank you for choosing V DESIGN LAB Jewellery.

V DESIGN LAB Jewellery is now part of Form Forum

V DESIGN LAB Jewellery memeber of form forum


V DESIGN LAB Jewellery is now a member of the Form Forum Swiss Association.

The Form Forum organisation has more than 500 members, which makes it the biggest Swiss Platform for Contemporary Artwork and Design 

formforum encourages to put the attention on Quality and appreciation of contemporary and innovative artwork and design products and their commercialization in our society. Formforum plays an important role in sharing and supporting its members work.

Here's V DESIGN LAB portray on formforum.

More infromation, though in German or French here.

(Source: free translation from Form Forum Website)